Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless: Surround Yourself With Successful People

Published Categorized as Business, Technology, Wireless

One of the best ways to become successful, particularly in the business community, is to constantly seek the advice and wisdom of those who are already established; people who have overcome numerous professional obstacles and challenges to become the successes they are today. Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless, a successful professional, who always sought out the insight of people he’s admired, and who he knows have faced many of the same challenges and hurdles he has come against throughout his career.

Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless truly believes in the value of learning from others, and emphasizes the need for young professionals to surround themselves with people who have the knowledge, experience and expertise necessary to de-mystify the world and provide them the wisdom they need to be more adequately prepared for what’s ahead of them. Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless believes that young people should replace professional envy with motivation, driving themselves to find the knowledge they need from the people they may have once considered opponents or competitors.

Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless believes you can find invaluable wisdom and knowledge anywhere, but one of the best places to find insight is in the colleagues and competitors that have proven themselves successful.

Paul Greene of Liberty Wireless has always surrounded himself not with like-minded individuals, but with the people that can provide him the most challenge, as well as the most opportunity to learn. Finding professionals with differing points of view, as he knows, helps him to keep his mind fresh and open to new ideas, and challenges any preconceptions he has about how to go about accomplishing a task.